Change means letting go and accepting what will come. We must allow the comfortable to be replaced by new urgencies. Without the season of autumn, summer’s growth would never become the harvest; it is now time for seeds to begin the process for the next life cycle. Change is natural if not always smooth as we move from one phase of life to another. The month of September brings us a change of seasons: The warmth of summer gives way to mornings with a touch of chill in the air; the evenings come earlier as the days shorten in the rhythm of the season.
Having to change does not mean ‘letting go’ of pray however. As the holy father Pope Francis has emphasised on how important pray is in a challenging yet changeable world we now live in. “Let us not grow tired of praying. Jesus taught us to “pray always without becoming weary” ( Lk 18:1). We need to pray because we need God. Thinking that we need nothing other than ourselves is a dangerous illusion”.
As we all encounter changes in our individual lives, and as the world around us continues to change, we need a place to find hope. However, there is one thing that never changes, the one thing that stays the same, our unchanging God.